Album Art: “Bring it on home to me” Von Lichten
Prompt: Create album art for a cover of “Bring It On Home to Me,” to be timed with the release of a promotional video featuring the song
Tools & Skills: photography, Photoshop, art, album art, graphic design
There was very little instruction for this album art, so I asked the producer to share the music with me so I could be directly inspired. I decided to use pictures of the sky, all taken by me at some point. But I wanted the imagery to have a human element in it, because the song is very emotional. It is a song about a vague loneliness, but it is relatable and sweet. Too literal imagery on the cover would disrupt that listening experience, so the blurred arm shows the longing and intimacy that the song represents. It depicts a human literally reaching which adds warmth, but the blurriness provides a sense of longing and hope.
What I learned:
Got a lot better at Photoshop
Making use of your own material as stock photos is nice and also free