Visual Branding Identity: Satellite Mode EP “Robots vs. Party Girls”
Prompt: To create a visual branding identity for a band’s EP release
Role: Art & Creative Director
Tools: Branding, album art, graphic design, creative direction, art, photography, photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch

The process began with a lengthy interview with the clients. We discussed their goals with the release of this EP, and their creative process in making it. They emphasized wanting to give their listeners a feeling of “levity” and “lightness,” while also debuting a more experimental side of themselves musically. Many of the songs also revolve around the occasionally disquieting relationship between humans and technology, paired with a contrastingly light sound. I wanted to help convey these ideas in their branding, as exemplified by the guide. The touchpoints I was asked to design, involved in this ultimately extended from merchandise, to album art, to fashion styling for photos and stage shows.

Singles’ Track Art


But did she learn anything:
In-depth branding, mixed media album art
Fashion styling (Moi??? Moi.)
Grooving to the music till you start to see what it sounds like